Ofice Beacon Meeting vs Zoom
Say goodbye to privacy and security issues • Multiply your productivity with Office Beacon Meeting
Getting started is as easy as 1-2-3
Office Beacon Meeting platform offers you everything you expect to collaborate remotely.
Use Office Beacon Meeting anytime
Office Beacon Meeting is included with all paid subscriptions at no extra charge.

All the features you're familiar with
You won’t feel short-changed with Office Beacon Meeting.
You get all the features that you expect from a video conferencing tool.
No downloads, no privacy issues
Office Beacon Meeting is entirely web-browser-based.
No downloads to install, no zoom bombings, no access to your computer.

Features Include

All-in-one software
– Use Office Beacon Meeting along with all other
Office Beacon software using a single login.

Live whiteboard for presenters
– Real-time annotations along with the ability to zoom, highlight, draw and write
on presentations making your points clearer to remote participants.

Private mode
– No Zoom-Bombing with Office Beacon Meeting.
– Generate unique access codes for each participant.
– Also, admins have complete control over webcams and screen sharing.

Simple Interface
– Create meeting rooms, invite and manage participants, access recordings all
from one dashboard.

Breakout rooms
– Create individual breakout rooms while participating in a Office Beacon Meeting.

Client success reps
– Your rep has your back
– We’ll help you take advantage of everything Office Beacon offers
- 150 Participants Per Meeting
- Meeting Recording
- Screen Sharing
- Web Cams
- Browser-Based
- License Free
- Unique Access Codes
- Webinar Capability
Office Beacon Meeting
- 150 Participants Per Meeting
- Meeting Recording
- Screen Sharing
- Web Cams
- Browser-Based
- License Free
- Unique Access Codes
- Webinar Capability
The best way to understand Office Beacon is to use it!
Your first 30 days are free.