Proud to announce our newest Delivery Center in South Africa.Why South Africa?

Real Estate Assistant

For over 23 years, Office Beacon has been the #1 remote staffing for executives and their businesses globally. We offer:

Trusted by 4000+ Clients Globally

Outsource Your Tasks to a Virtual Real Estate Assistant

Listings Creation

Office Beacon’s qualified virtual real estate assistants can handle all your real estate listing needs, allowing you to focus on core competencies.

  • Creating Property Listings
  • Managing Property Listings
  • Organizing Property Listings

Transactions Management

Our virtual staff coordinate transactions and deals. They are committed to handling all the small details of your real estate transactions.

  • Creating & Managing Transaction Plans
  • Creating & Managing Real Estate Projects
  • Managing Facility Acquisition & Disposal
  • Initiating Real Estate Lease

Appointment Booking

The real estate assistants at Office Beacon arrange appointments with potential clients, sellers, government officials, and others.

  • Coordinating Agent Appointments
  • Scheduling Property Viewing
  • Maintaining Contact Records

CRM Updates

Our virtual experts create and manage CRM databases. They are well-versed in keeping your CRM database, saving a ton of time.

  • Maintaining Communication with Leads
  • Driving CRM Initiatives
  • Improving Data Management Processes


Collaborate with Your Remote Staff on Multiple Platforms

Call or Text – an Office Beacon
VA is at your disposal all day.

Chat, screen share, and video conference from one secure location with Office Beacon Talk.

Office Beacon Meeting covers all your web conferencing needs without any sign-ups or downloads.

Plan, manage and track your VA’s work through Office BeaconProjects.

Get cloud storage for your documents, videos, and images on Flowz Drive.
Hire Virtual Assistant


Immediate 40% savings

Stay super competitive and boost your bottom line.

Trained remote staff

We’ll get to work quickly with trained and experienced remote staff.

We handle all the HR

We manage your reps, so that you can focus on growing your business.

We work 24x7

No matter when you need us, we will be there for you.

Take a Listen to Our Customers

Choose Remote Staffing and Join Our Diverse Group of 4000+ Customers Today!