Office Beacon has been named a 2025 Vistage National Sponsor.Click for details
Keep track of your company's expenses and maintain your books with our bank and credit card reconciliation service.
Work with experienced professionals
Accurate bank and credit card reconciliation service
Budget-friendly solution
Your data is protected through enforceable NDAs
Spend money hiring, training, and managing full-time employees
Internal reconciliation may be prone to errors
Need to pay high salaries and benefits
Take extra measures to protect your data
We analyze your business goals and identify your staffing and software needs.
We source the perfect virtual assistant/s who can meet your specific requirements.
Our team lead sets KPI expectations, trains and monitors your staff, and oversees your project.
We share weekly quality reports and bi-weekly feedback emails on your staff’s progress.
Office Beacon has been sourcing talented virtual assistants for its clients since 2001.
We strive to help business owners lighten their operational workload so they can focus on scaling their businesses.
It refers to a process of comparing a firm’s credit card transaction statement to the ledger. It ensures accurate and consistent bookkeeping.
There are a number of steps to reconcile bank and credit card accounts. Since it’s a lengthy and complicated process, it’s recommended to outsource the service. Office Beacon has a track record of providing excellent services at extremely low prices.